Communication Skills – 3 Things NOT to Say to Potential clients
Have you ever heard the saying that goes “you cannot say the right thing to the wrong person, nor the wrong thing to the right person”?
Is there really such a thing?
How about we can say the right thing and avoid saying the wrong thing as much as we can by training ourselves?
In this Episode 112, I’m going to share with you things to do and not to do in 3 specific areas of your prospecting process.
Communication Skills – 3 Things NOT to say to Potential clients – Episode 112
As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.
This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled 3 Easy Follow-up Process Guide.
This will help you get quicker responses and remove the stress of rejection.
You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!
Communication Skills –
I believe that whatever we say at any particular moment is actually the right thing to say, as there is always something to learn from any outcome.
Plus, we cannot control what the receiver will feel, and think, therefore “saying the right thing to the right person” is never guaranteed. However, we can better ourselves in order to avoid the things that can trigger certain behaviours, such as ghosting and vague answers. Let’s get into it!
Communication Skills – Friend request
A very common mistake that people make when prospecting online is that they are immediately go for the jugular by sending their website link all over the place, without building enough rapport.
People love buying but dislike to be sold, and it is no different with any of your products, services, or opportunity. Sorry to say.
On the other side, it sure does not have to take forever to build rapport, inside facebook groups for example, before friend request anyone you have a couple of back and forth messages with. In fact, don’t make it too long because you will have to restart all over again everytime…
When you send that friend request, make sure to accompany it with a private message. I typically send something along those lines:
Hey (name), Nice connecting with you over in the (FB group, FB page, Specific IG hashtag…)!
I love what you said about______.
Just checked your profile and it looks like you are living in the USA. I’m based in London UK.
What are you up to out there?
Of course, it isn’t always the same as it depends on the initial conversation. But bottom line, I connect, acknowledge them, keep going from where we left it off, or start from something I see on their profile. In any case, do not send your website link or offer at this stage as people will ignore you, or brush you off.
Communication Skills – Invitation
The invitation of checking your offer, whichever it may be, comes after at least a few backs and forth messages in PM/DM. If you see/feel an opening because your lead expresses a need, desire, want, struggle… then you may suggest what you have and ask them if they are open to check it out.
When the time is “right” to invite any lead to take a look at any of my offer, I would say this:
“You know, you mentioned that you want to (learn a new makeup routine, lose weight, work for yourself…)… I actually happen to (provide makeup lessons, help people with weight loss, coach people build their own business…)!
If you are open to learn more I’d be happy to send yo some info about it. Let me know if you’re open and I’ll send that over, no problem. If not, no biggy!”
If they say “YES”, which most of the time is the case because who isn’t “open” to learn about a solution that can help them (hint hint?) then, set the follow-up day and time before sending your information over. This will assure that you are, almost certain to be able to go through the closing phase. Otherwise, you might struggle to have them come back to you with an answer, whether they are interested or not.
In any case, do not say to your lead “let me know when you checked the info if you are interested”. Set the follow-up date first and then give your precious info they want so much.
Communication Skills – Follow-up
If all done correctly, your lead will turn up to your follow-up meeting and might even be excited about it. Now things can still happen and sometimes it needs to be reschedule. However, it is easier to reschedule a meeting that was already booked than trying to book someone who’s gone with the info and not booked for a follow-up prior.
The very common mistake that happens during the follow-up phase, which I used to make all of the time, is to ask the question “did you like it?”.
This is a close-ended question, which means that the other person can only give you a “yes” or “no” answer. Whereas if you ask an open-ended question, such as “What did you like best about what you’ve watched and hear?” the person will go into a searching mode within their mind.
Additionally, if you are offering a product/service and an opportunity at the same time, their answer will give you an instant idea of what aspect and side of your offer they prefer and which route you might be best to take.
For example, if someone says ” I love that the product you are using is all vegan and manufactured in-country”, then I know we might be best talking about the products rather than the business opportunity I have for them.
Communication Skills – Conclusion
You will never have control over people’s decisions, yet you can have control over your delivery and how you present your offers as well as manage the overall process of your prospecting system.
And remember to download your copy of the 3 Easy Follow-up Process Guide.
This will help you get quicker responses and remove the stress of rejection. Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!
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Question of The Week: What part of the prospecting process do you feel challenged with?
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