Attraction Marketing – The 7 Attraction Marketing Strategies Of The Top Money Earners

Wondering what “Attraction Marketing” is about?

What I can tell you up-front is that it isn’t about flashing people with pictures of you next to a beautiful car, or house that isn’t truly yours.

In this Episode 115, I’m going to share with you what Attraction Marketing is as well as the 7 Attraction Marketing Strategies that Top Money Earners are using to grow their business.

Attraction Marketing – The 7 Attraction Marketing Strategies Of The Top Money Earners – Episode 115

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled Personal Branding Guide.
This will help you position yourself as a trusted authority within your field.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Attraction Marketing – Definition

This is a strategy that attracts the best potential prospects and customers to you, by providing value upfront to tackle their problem that your product, service, opportunity can solve.

Let’s dive into the 7 component that can make this happen.

Attraction Marketing – Personal branding

Leaders, who are using the Attraction Marketing Strategy, build their business by branding THEMSELVES up-front.

The reason for doing this is that people buy into people which means that a relationship has to form first. Plus, whatever happens in the business, a change of company, company shuts down… Branding yourself will avoid you having to restart everything from scratch, not will you have to provide any reasons for your changes to anybody.

Attraction Marketing – No spam or pitch

By using this strategy it also means that you don’t have to spam/pitch your products, or put your links everywhere. Which people do not respond to anyway.

I used to do that, and let’s say that it was hurting my credibility in the market place. So, if you are currently doing it, no worries there is hope!

Attraction Marketing – Lead with value

Another aspect that is very different in using Attraction Marketing is that we provide value, solve problem, and are of service to the audience, rather than being self-centred.

This makes a huge impact on how people see you and position you. You are immediately seen as an authority in your field, and someone who loves helping others.

Attraction Marketing – Multiple income stream

The beauty of building a business with Attraction Marketing and Personal Branding is that you can have multiple income streams without any of them conflicting with one another, not will your audience get confused.

Leading with value to help your audience solve their problems, mean that you all your different income streams become options you can pull out of your bag to offer to the right person, at the right time.

Attraction Marketing – Attract qualified leads

When sharing valuable content on your social media that is helping your audience, it will attract those who are interested in what you have to offer.

Therefore, it makes it easier to start a conversation since they are coming to you asking for more information, rather than you pitching them.

Attraction Marketing – Actively build their audience

Leaders who are using the Attraction Marketing Strategy also build their audience daily.
Like any strategy, it requires consistency and time to get the results. It sure is one the quickest way to find qualified leads, yet it still takes work.

Attraction Marketing – No cold calling or chasing

Let me tell you that cold calling, chasing, or convincing anyone is not a pleasant thing to do, nor to receive. Been there done that…

With Attraction Marketing you basically become rejection FREE which makes it really fun to run a business. Will there be ups and downs? Of course! Yet, using this way of building my business has truly reconnected my with my spark in entrepreneurship!

Attraction Marketing – Conclusion

The best thing you can do, as I was once told, is to be yourself because there is nobody else like YOU! I would just add to this… be of service to others, because when removing thyself from the equation the universe someone works even more in our favour.

And remember to download your copy of the Personal Branding Guide.
This will help you position yourself as a trusted authority within your field. Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

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In this training, you will learn strategies on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact, and more.

7 Top Income Producing Activity + PDF (Daily Method of Operation) – Learn More
This will help you focus on the most important tasks in your business.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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