Tagline – 1 simple template to craft your tagline for people to know what you do clearly

Have you ever tried to explain what you do and people start looking at you with crossed eyes?

Or they think they understood what you do but actually it is something completely different?

This happened to me a lot in network marketing and never really knew how to put my message clearly out there in the market.

In this Episode 92, I am sharing with you a very simple way to put your elevator pitch or tagline together, so you can make people understand what you do and even perhaps ask for more information.

Tagline – 1 simple template to craft your tagline for people to know what you do clearly – Episode 92

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled Ideal Audience Builder Guide.
This will help you clarify who you want to serve and where to find them, so you never have to wonder where to find people who want what you have.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Tagline – Purpose of a Tagline

A Tagline, or Elevator pitch as some like to call it, is a concise statement that you can use to clearly explain what you do and offer.

It’s the most compelling way to answer the question, “What do you do?”. Creating a Tagline and repeating it over and over is a great way to spread the word about what you do and get people to ask for your business. The Tagline is a distilled version of your BrandScript and is composed of 3 parts.

Let’s take a look at what you need to do to create a home-run Tagline.

Tagline – #1 Problem/Pain point

Whatever business an entrepreneur is in, he/she must be aware of their audience and, even more precisely, their pain and struggles.
This way you can pin point what solution you will pull out of your bag for them to solve that problem they have.

So, to start with, make sure to write down your ideal audience’s pain point.
Example: Most business leaders struggle to talk about what they do.
Example: Most new moms have challenges losing the gained weight.

Tagline – #2 Share your solution

Once you figured your audience’s pain point, then write down the solution you have that can help them solve it and create the outcome they desire.

Example: We’ve created a communication framework that helps people clarify their message
Example: I have created a coaching program, alongside my recommended products, that are helping new moms go back to their pre-pregnancy ideal weight.

Tagline – #3 Feelings and Clarity are a huge part

There is a massive aspect which far too often overlooked and underestimated in terms of how powerful it is. This aspect is the feelings we attach to what we want to become, create and attract. It is very important to tune into this daily.

Now jot down what your ideal audience will exactly get and feel after their problem is solved.

Example: When you clarify your message, word starts to spread about your company, customers engage more and your business grows faster, which makes you feel in control and abundant.
Example: When being coached and using these supplements you are in much more control, get to your ideal size quicker than expected, and your self-esteem is elevating so much that you feel extremely happy in your own skin.

Tagline – Let’s put it all together

Now that you have all your pieces of the puzzle figured out it is time to combine them all in one paragraph and rock with it.

Example: Most business leaders struggle to talk about what they do, so we’ve created a communication framework that helps people clarify their message. When you clarify your message, word starts to spread
about your company, customers engage more, and your business grows.

Example: Most new moms have challenges losing the gained weight, so I have created a coaching program, alongside my recommended products, that are helping new moms go back to their pre-pregnancy ideal weight.
When being coached and using these supplements you are in much more control, get to your ideal size quicker than expected, and your self-esteem is elevating so much that you feel extremely happy in your own skin.

Tagline – Places you can use your tagline

This is a great way to advertise yourself effectively, and express what you do when people ask you the big question “what do you do?”.

Here are some areas you can use it:

• Put it on your business card
• Make it your email signature
• Print it on your wall in your retail space

  • Make it the first sentence in the paragraph on your website
  • Use it for your profile descriptions on social media

Tagline – Conclusion

Make sure to learn it and memorise it by repeating it as much as possible. I would definitely suggest not to get too hang up on your Ideal Audience, but run with what comes first and refine as you go along.

And with the Ideal Audience Builder Guide. This will help you clarify who you want to serve and where to find them, so you never have to wonder where to find people who want what you have.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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Question of The Week: What is your tagline?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

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