Prospecting Tips – 3 Questions to hypnotically close sales and recruit more teammates

Do you ever freeze when it comes to close the deal and ask for the sale after your presentation?

I used to say things like “What do you think?” or “Did you like what you heard?”. These are questions that are not very directive and making your process more difficult.

In this Episode 98, I am sharing with you 3 questions that will position you as a true marketer and make you get an answer much faster while closing more people more often

Prospecting Tips – 3 Questions to hypnotically close sales and recruit more teammates – Episode 98

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled 3 Easy Steps Follow Up Process Guide.
This will help you increase the response ratio and remove the stress of the rejection aspect.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Prospecting Tips – Make it easy on you

There are a lot of noise out there about how to do things and what to say in marketing, pitches, closings, etc.

Something I learnt is that sometimes “less is more” and the same goes when doing business. Asking less and listening more is far more efficient than keeping on talking to the point of boring your prospect.

Yet, for your prospect to give you the information you need without them realising, it does require to ask the right questions too. This is exactly what we gonna go over now.

Prospecting Tips – #1 The magic question

Whether you are presenting to them in person or you send some resources to review in their own time, you want to follow up as soon as possible. To learn more about Follow-up check my Episode #88 HERE

Once your prospect says that they consulted the details you gave them, you wanna ask them the following question:

“What did you like best about what you’ve watched/heard?” (Business and Products)

Not, “did you like it?” as I used to ask! If you ask the latter then you are going to receive a “Yes” or “No” answer, and still not be sure what is it they like or not.

Whereas, if you ask the former question “what did you like BEST…” you are opening their mind to look for something they like. Depending on the answer, you will know if your prospect is interested into the product or the business more, then you lead with what they want.

Prospecting Tips – #2 The transparent question

After having a few backs and forth about what the prospect likes best, it is time to be laying the cards on the table, so everyone knows where they are going.

This question is direct and might make you feel uncomfortable the first few instances but it gets better and better until it becomes natural to ask

“Do you see an opportunity for yourself?” (Business)


“Do you see yourself using these products for your (ie: skin, weight-loss, joints pain…)?” (Products)

What’s great about this question is that you know exactly where you stand immediately without wasting anybody’s time.

Prospecting Tips – #3 The confirmation question

Finally, you want to make sure people always feel comfortable with you and that you consider them before anything, and that you don’t see them as any currency sign! Be A Human First A Marketer Second.

This question is, once again, straight to the point and really confirming their commitment while making them feel that you are not wasting time.

“Is there anything else you need to know before we get you started?” (Business)


“Is there anything else you need to know before we get your order through?” (Products)

Prospecting Tips – Conclusion

These are obviously not the only questions you will ask, but definitely the ones to remember as they will frame your conversation while keeping on track with your intention of receiving answers.

And with 3 Steps Follow Up Process Guide. This will help you increase the response ratio and remove the stress of the rejection aspect.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

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Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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Question of The Week: What follow-up questions do you ask your prospects?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

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