Prospecting For Profit
Strategy – How To Prospect In Facebook Groups For Profit

These days, it is a no-brainer that we have to be on social media and create a presence for ourselves and our brand, right?

And yes groups and pages are gold mines to go and find qualifying leads from. However it must be done without spamming the heck out of them!

In this Episode 80, I am sharing a simple, yet effective way to prospect in Facebook groups for profit without spamming.

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – How To Prospect In Facebook Groups For Profit – Episode 80

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

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This week, since we’re talking about prospecting, I’ve decided to give you access to further free training which goes into more depth for you to Get Qualifying Leads Daily For FREE (not done by me but another awesome leader)
This will help you to never run out of LEADS FOREVER

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – Find your tribe

First thing first, you must make sure to be in the right places to find the right people.

To do so, you just need to join a few groups of your interests, which could be linked to your niche, or just what you love doing as a hobby.

My best suggestion is to focus on 1-3 groups, but definitely not more than 5 groups, so you can be focus, and create a name for yourself in those groups, without feeling overwhelmed.

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – Be a human first

As the name says we are on SOCIAL Media, and thus Facebook and the like want us to Socialise before anything else, especially business.

If you are too fast into pitching people in groups you might be flagged by the members and the admin will most likely remove and report you.

The best way to go about it is to think that you are there to make friends. And as new friends do, they introduce themselves to each other.

Therefore, you can do a simple post sharing who you are, what you do, and your intention for being in the group.
You could even thank admin for accepting you inside their group, which will involve them and put you in their mind.

Pro Tip: Do not say “I want to prospect people…”

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – Genuinely connect

A very common thing that spammers do is to go and just friend people up from group they are part of, without even building any rapport at all. But we are not spammers here, heh!? ?

Really, they are 3 ways to connect nicely, easily, and genuinely in order to prospect for profit in Facebook groups.

  1. Comment on others’ posts
  2. Answer people’s comments on others’ posts
  3. Share Value based post people can relate to and find useful

By just doing the above 3 Income Producing Activities you will be well on your way to receive friend request regularly.

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – Friend request

Of course, the aim is to make new genuine connections, and get them into your messenger box, so you can build further rapport, which makes them become your leads, and eventually turn them into hot leads as well as customers or teammates.

Now you might be asking “how long does the process has to take?”.

In fact, it can be very fast to make new friends on social media but don’t worry to much about it, as your speed of converting will increase with practice over time.

After a few back and forth messages inside the group you can go ahead and send them a friend request.

BOOM you have a new potential friend!

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – Transition into private conversation in Messenger

Now that you’ve send that friend request, then what??

Well, we need to carry on building rapport with this new friend. To do so, I typically immediately go into their messenger box, right after having friend requested them.
Would be rude to let them on the side, heh! It’s like you are making a new friend in a club, exchange numbers, have a good night, and leave without saying by nor sending them a message at least.

Same applies online. Here is what you can say when going into their messenger box. Of course adapt it to your way of talking:

“Hey (Prospect’s Name), nice connecting with you over in the (group’s name)! Thought it would be cool to connect further on here since we have/do (insert commonality between you both) + (ask a question that relates to the topic/conversation you’re on)”

Pro Tip: If you are a man talking to a woman I would urge you to be very careful with your approach. Too many guys out there come across as they are hitting on ladies, even if they don’t mean to. To avoid any awkwardness I tend to add (which is true but also a bit funny for ladies) “PS: I am in a very happy Gay relationship so, no worries, I am not one of those creepy guys out there ?”

If you are straight, of course don’t say you are in a happy gay relationship haha. But you can say that you have kids and in a very happy marriage so not trying to hit on her. You get the git, yeah!

Prospecting For Profit Strategy – Conclusion

Simply put, it is just a matter of being your authentic self and connect with people just like you’d do in real life. Find the groups you want to hang out in, introduce yourself, genuinely connect, and friend request people while transition into messenger.

Trust me, you will be getting results fast if you keep and are consistent at it!

Also, remember my Get Qualifying Leads Daily For FREE (not done by me but another awesome leader). This will help you to never run out of LEADS FOREVER. Download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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Question of The Week: What is your process to find new leads for your products and opportunity?
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