Personal Branding – 3 ways Personal Branding Can Change Your Life

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by not knowing where to find your next prospects to talk to, and not knowing what to tell them when you find them?

This was totally me for many years when I first started in the entrepreneurial venture and was wondering what was wrong with me. Well, nothing is wrong with you, my friend!

In this Episode 93, I am sharing with you how personal branding has changed my life and will change yours too.

Personal Branding – 3 ways Personal Branding Can Change Your Life – Episode 93

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled Personal Branding Guide.
This will help you with the 4 key elements to position yourself as a trusted authority

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Personal Branding – It’s not about you

Strangely enough, I really believe that when building a personal brand it is not about us but about the audience we want to build and serve.

By default, you have to share about your experiences in the field you are performing, which is what makes it “personal branding”, yet your emotions must be out of the equation in regards to whatever outcome you get.

Of course, I would feel when pleasure or pain is happening in my business, yet it is always great to remind myself that I’m doing what I do for a greater cause, which is helping my audience.

Personal Branding – #1 Clarity on audience

I used to talk to any and everyone with a pulse, because I didn’t know any better and thought/was told that everyone could be my customer.
To a certain extent it is true, but in reality not everybody likes you and you don’t like everybody.

This is the reason why it is very important to refine your target market by choosing who is it that you want to serve and work with.

People Buy Into People Not Into Things

If you want to discover who is your best-desired audience make sure to refer to this episode HERE

This is where you start making your brand “personal” to your Audience.

Personal Branding – #2 Finding People

This might sound creepy, or familiar to you, but I used to get out of my home wondering who was the next person I would talk to and prospect, by finding the silliest things to start a conversation with. ie: talking about their cool laces. LEGIT!

You know this sensation of going everywhere with a sort of prospecting radar helmet on your head? That was me!

However once you figured out who it is that you want to serve and/or work with, you will know where they hang out and can go prospect in those fishing pools.
It also means that you will now get out of your home with no agenda whatsoever because you won’t feel like you are in prospecting mode all the time since you know the specific places where your ideal audience is hanging out.

Personal Branding – #3 Stop the confusion

Being wishy washy about what I do and sell is exactly what I used to be, thus people would never really understand anything and get completely confused.

This is one reason why building a personal brand to a specific audience is important, so you can be crystal clear in your message when posting on social media, and even when talking to people offline to be honest.

To know how to craft the best tagline to use when people ask you “what is it you do?” then go check my previous episode HERE

Personal Branding – Conclusion

Rather than branding the company or product you represent, make sure to brand you and serve the audience with what they need to fill the gap between wherever they are and wherever they want to be.

And with the Personal Branding Guide. This will help you with the 4 key elements to position yourself as a trusted authority.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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