Online Marketing Strategy –
8 Ways to find topics to talk about

Need to create a piece of content but you’ve ran out of inspiration or ideas?

This is something that happens to the best of us all but, luckily, there is a very simple way to get out of this blank mind mode.

In this Episode 70, I am sharing with you 8 Ways To Find Topics To Talk About.

Online Marketing Strategy – 8 Ways to find topics to talk about – Episode 70

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a Freebie titled Ideal Audience Builder Guide.
This will help you keep your contact all in one place, and make sure you’re on top of it all.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Online Marketing Strategy – What and Where

This is the 2 questions that I get all of the time:

  • What can I talk about?
  • And where can I find topics to talk about

Let me tell you that it is all around you and, in fact, you barely have to look for anything, because it is pretty much served on a platter. Let’s dive in some example of where you can find topics.

Online Marketing Strategy – Google

As you know Google is a search engine, and has everything as well as all the answers you ever need to your questions.

Let’s say you are in health and wellness or in makeup/beauty, you could type in Google “Weight loss”, “Evening makeup” or something that is related to your product or industry, then you will see plenty of articles, but most importantly, you will see the titles.

Once you have a title you are inspired by, take it and go write what you have to share about this topic.

Online Marketing Strategy – Amazon

This is a gold mind too.

If you go into the books section, type the keywords of what you are looking for (ie: Makeup, Health & Wellness, Network Marketing, Beauty, Affiliate, Music…) and check the glossary or content of what is talked about inside it.

Get inspired, and go write your version of the topic. Please do never copy paste what is being written as you could be in trouble with copywriting rights.

Online Marketing Strategy – Viral Content Bee

This platform is brilliant, because other Blogger and Vlogger have already done most of the work for you, since they came up with titles you can re-use.
Titles are generally not protected by copywriting, so feel free to take the tiles and go write your thought on the topic.

Online Marketing Strategy – Magazine headlines

Do you think that magazine have an interest in having the best headlines, so they can sell their pages?

You are absolutely right and, in fact, they pay BIG money to be able to have the best catchy headlines that will make heads turn and make people stop scrolling.

The beauty of that strategy is that you don’t even have to buy the magazine. Just go on google, type your niche magazine (ie: health and wellness magazine), go into images and check all the headlines and sub-headlines.

Now you have some ideas that are worth thousands of $£€! Literally!

Online Marketing Strategy – Ask your audience

A simple way to also make sure your audience is going to like your content, is by asking them what they would like to hear from you.

You could create a poll on Facebook and get them to engage by making them being heard. People love giving their opinion, and you will be right in the heart of what they expect from you.

Online Marketing Strategy – What you want to know

We sometimes make it so much more complicated than it truly is, right?

You surely want to know certain things, whether being business or personal related. Why not do some research on that and talk about it.

It can be random, fun, informative… which this will make you get some attention because people love all this, especially when you are sharing something that is true to you.

Online Marketing Strategy – Podcast

Do you follow any podcast(s)?

If so then take your inspiration from the topics you are following, listening and enjoying, then create your content around that.

Online Marketing Strategy – Forums

Forums are a great place to generate some great topics.
Whatever forum you are in, you can ask a question which is obviously related to the forum topic(s) and people will give you answers, which you can turn into content.

Even if you don’t want to be the conversation starter, you can look into the topics of your choice, that some people would have asked some questions about, and get some answers. Again, you can now pick and choose what you want, get inspired, and turn that into valuable content for your audience.

Online Marketing Strategy – Conclusion

See… not so complicated after all, right?!
It might take a little time to find what you are looking for, but definitely not as much time to just try and find all the answers in your head.

Also remember my CRM Spreadsheet.
This will help you keep your contact all in one place, and make sure you’re on top of it all.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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Question of The Week: Where and how do you tend to inspire yourself when it comes to creating content for your audience?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

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