Content Marketing – Content ideas to standout

Ever noticed that all makeup artists are basically sharing much of the same content?

Don’t get me wrong, visuals are amazing and necessary for a profession like makeup, but it is quite of a repetitive “deja vu” when scrolling from one picture to the other.

How can you standout among the gazillion other people doing makeup too?

Well, In this Episode 48 I am sharing with you 6 topic categories you could share with your audience, and get them really interested in coming back to you all the time.

Content Marketing – Content ideas to standout – Episode 48

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled 15 Social Media Content Ideas.
This will help you to always have something to share with your audience, without thinking too much.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Content Marketing – Be unique

As you know, all makeup artists are sharing visuals of their work to be noticed, and essentially get clients on the back of it.

As good, and important as it is to do so, I believe that it does not create true unique reason why people should choose your work rather than someone else’s, except deciding on the visual basis.

You might be thinking that your work skills is all that matters, whereas, in fact, your knowledge and, most importantly, your personality are essential as you cannot get along with everybody. Therefore you want to make sure to attract the right kind of people in your world too.

Content Marketing – How To’s

This is the most common type of content makeup artists tend to create, which it is visual and impactful to the eye.

Doing tutorials is great because it shows your skills as an artist, and also the way you handle your brushes, and your client/model, if you do it on someone else.

Most makeup artist though, tend to do tutorials on themselves rather than on others. I personally think it is a great idea to do both for the following reasons:

  • Doing tutorials on models, shows people how you would potentially work on them should they hire your service.
  • Doing tutorials on yourself shows them how they can do the makeup on themselves.

Pro tip: Decide, before starting the tutorial, if you want your audience to learn a DIY, or appreciate your skills they could hire.

Content Marketing – Trends

A great type of content you can also provide is everything about trends, which then makes you be a go to person in terms of knowledge regarding the makeup field.

Get to know the most successful people in the industry, the latest makeup brands that came out, the shows going on around…

When people know that you are aware of your industry, they are more prone to ask you for recommendation, thus ask you for your services too.

Content Marketing – Q&A

Giving a voice to your audience is very powerful, because they feel heard and comfortable with you.

The best easy way to go about it, is by going Live on social media, such as Facebook and/or Instagram, and make yourself available.
As it sometimes take time for people to get on, you could do a makeup and just have a brief chat, asking your audience to pop any desired question.

It can be even more effective if you condition your audience by letting them know that Friday, for example, is when they can find you Live on Facebook for a Q&A session.

Content Marketing – Guides

What viewers tend to want to know as well, is how treat their own skin personally. What works for one, might not work for another, right?

Therefore, without necessarily doing any tutorial, you could explain how to treat certain skin types (acne, oily, dry…).

Let’s say your market is bride to be, you could equally give some guidance on how to get their skin prepared before the big DAY, how to keep their skin in good conditions during the big day too.

Yes, they are the type of info you provide during the treatment, but remember that you want to provide value content to people even before they book you, or even know you.

Content Marketing – Interviews

Interviews are a beautiful way to position yourself as an authority figure in your field. It also shows that you are ready to share your resources, meaning that you think abundantly.

Here are some interview types you could do:

  • Other makeup artists experts, and authorities, to talk about the industry itself
  • Wedding shops owners to talk about brides to be
  • Existing customer to cover their experience with your service and/or products

The more you collaborate with people, and expose yourself in a way that brings others into the light too, the more you’ll create credibility for yourself and your business.

Content Marketing – Personal Journey

This actually comes down to be my favourite topic. The reason behind it is that, you can take people on a journey with you.

Imagine you have just started in the industry and think you’ve got to be qualified before talking makeup to anyone, or do any demonstration. First that is far from being the truth, second someone else is waiting for you to teach them what you’ve learnt in class today.

Whether you are in the industry for a long time, or about to start, you can take people on a journey with you, by sharing your story of where you came from, where you are now, and where you are going with your career.

And with the help of my 15 Social Media Content Ideas guide, you will never runout of ideas about what to post.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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Question of The Week: What type of content do you, or want to share with your audience?
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