Content Creation – How To Create More Engagement On Your Content

Wondering how or what you have to do in order to get more engagement from your audience on your social media world?

It might actually be easier than you think, and just a few tweak will most likely do the trick.

In this Episode 64, I am sharing with you 5 ways to create more engagement on your content, so you can build more momentum in your business.

Content Creation – How To Create More Engagement On Your Content – Episode 64

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled Referral Posts Guide.
This will help you to always have something to talk about, even if you don’t feel inspired.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Content Creation –

The obvious is that we ultimately want people to consume what we put out there, and engage with it.

First, because it gives an idea of what works and what doesn’t, what people want or don’t want. Let’s face it, it is also nice for the ego sometimes. 🙂

Content Creation – Provide value

To many times, I see some people’s profile that are literally either, informercial or, even worse, SPAMmela Anderson type of profile.

Trust me you want to be neither. I was, at least, an informercial profile, and I had crickets on these types of content. Yet, it shows you that if I managed to recovering from informercialitis (yes I made that word up too) then so can you!

The best way is to provide value and a variation of post that is not only business. You may want to refer to my Social Media Post Strategy blog HERE

Content Creation – Be consistent

One common mistake many people make is to think that, creating one piece of great content and putting it on social media will bring them all the success they are after. I’m exagerating but consistency is what will bring you the success you are after.

There is no way one can create success with being active providing value one week, then being off the radar of his/her audience for 3 or 4 weeks.

Daily online presence is essential, so you remain omnipresent in your viewers’s mind.

Content Creation – Go Live

Now… You might not like this, but going live on Facebook, IG, Youtube, or wherever you are building your presence on social media is Crucial, and is what will bring the most attention, and engagement for you and your content.

So if you are afraid about going live, I feel you, but you must buckle up and go for it, if you really want growth and visibility in the market place.

Content Creation – Ask for interaction

When you are doing all the above, you also have to make sure to ask for interaction in your content. Of course you don’t want to be begging it right.. 🙂

Here are a few examples on how you can ask for engagement:

  • Ask a question at the start or end of your written posts
  • Have a little catch up at the start of your Live videos and ask them to say “Hello” and where they are tuning in from
  • Save some time for a Q&A at the end of you Live videos

Content Creation – Grow your audience

Another way to get more engagement on your content is to actively grow your audience. Especially if you just started.

Here how you can grow your followers:

  • Encourage your viewers to share your Live videos with their contacts
  • Hangout, provide value, and connect with people inside groups of your interests
  • Repurpose your content on other platforms you are not necessarily fully active

Content Creation – Conclusion

Bottom line, having more engagement on content you provide is pretty much all to do with being proactive about it, and ask for it in a “sexy” way that makes people want to be around you.

And with the help of my
This will help you to always have something to talk about, even if you don’t feel inspired.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

Did you get some value from this Episode?
I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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Question of The Week: What type of topic do you share with your audience?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

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