Close The Sale – How to close effectively for a higher ratio of people saying “yes”

Do you ever question why you aren’t closing as many people into your business as you’d like?
Or, you may be wondering the questions you should ask your prospect during the closing phase?

In this Episode 108, I’m going to share with you tips to have a better idea of where your prospect is during the closing phase, so you both know what direction to take.

Close The Sale – How to close effectively for a higher ratio of people saying “yes” – Episode 108

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled 7 Steps To Success Guide.
This will help you with further extra tips, to get ready for success before you succeed

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Close The Sale – It is an art

“Closing” sounds such a big word, just like “selling” does, but the funny part is that we do that naturally daily as human being.

Wherever there are minimum 2 humans interacting with one asking someone else to do or buying something for/from them, there is a negotiation involve. Meaning a selling and closing part that are taking part.
ie. a child asking if they can go to their friend’s birthday party is going to involve the child giving all the arguments possible to convince their parents to say “yes”.

However, it does not have to be complicated even though it is important to have a structure, so you know how to proceed.

Close The Sale – Be strategic

In my years of entrepreneurship I realised the importance of setting the follow up date and time before providing the person with the information.

This way, you are making your prospect commit to the process of circling back to follow up on what they got from the resources you shared and, most importantly, give you an answer for you both to know where you stand.

It might feel a little weird to ask for a follow up day and time before giving the good first, but trust that it is very professional on your part to show up as someone who does not mess around with your and their time.

I usually say something along the line of this:
“When you watch this, you’re going to have some great questions and I want to get you some answers while they are fresh in your mind. The video is 10 minutes long. when you be a good time to follow up?”

Close The Sale – Be reliable

Where a lot of people lack, which was me too in the early years, is to Show up when they said they would.

Of course, it can happen that we have a sudden events coming up, or even to forget, we are only humans after all. However, it is really important to build the trust factor about you into people’s mind.

That it created by being reliable, and show up when you said you would, or to let them know early enough that you need to move the meeting further.

Close The Sale – You’ve gotta ask to get

This is another huge part where I used to mess up completely.

Even when I was good at showing up to the follow up meeting on time, and create credibility there, the meeting most of the time turned into a friendly catch up. Which is not what a follow up meeting is for.

The meeting would very often go someting like: “did you like what you heard and seen?” “cool, do you want another tea? it’s on me”.
Sounds familiar?

Look, if you are in business, you’ve got to be confortable asking the closing questions to help guide people in the right direction, and for the sake of having an answer for yourself too. You are putting time, energy, and money into youur business (or at least you should) so move fast.


Here are the 3 non negotiable questions I ask no matter what:

  1. What did you like best from what you watched and heard? (Not “did you like it” which will only get you a “yes” or “no” answer)
  2. Do you see an opportunity/benefit for yourself
  3. What else do you need to know before we get you started

It really comes down to those three simple, yet effective, questions, which are going to frame the direction you should take with your prospect next.

Of course, there might be some other questions in between depending on how the conversation goes, but this is the frame to keep in mind.

Close The Sale – Conclusion

People love following others who are reliable and know where they are going. Be the person people want to follow for those reasons.

And remember to download your copy of the 7 Steps To Success Guide.
This will help you with further extra tips, to get ready for success before you succeed. Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

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Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More
In this training, you will learn strategies on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact, and more.

7 Top Income Producing Activity + PDF (Daily Method of Operation) – Learn More
This will help you focus on the most important tasks in your business.

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Question of The Week: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to following up?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

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