Business Tips – 3 tips to build a sustainable business

Wondering how you can attract new clients and that they remain your’s for a long time?

It is a great question to have because clients are the blood of our business, and it is much nicer to have a great retention rather than having to run find new ones all the time.

In this Episode 82, I am sharing with you 3 business tips that truly helped me create a much more stable business in the long run and that will surely help you too.

Business Tips – 3 tips to build a sustainable businessEpisode 82

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

Business Tips - 3 tips to build a sustainable business

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a Freebie titled The 3 Steps To Business Launch.
This will help you launch or relaunch in a way that makes people ask you for more information about what you do and have to offer.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Business Tips – Knowledge is key

If I would’ve known about these elements my business ventures would’ve been way different and much more fun, and profitable quicker.

They are some fundamentals that need to be applied in whatever business type you have and these are the following points I want to share with you.

Business Tips – USP (Unique Selling Point)

To be able to put the right message in front of your audience you also need to know WHY they should actually buy from you or partner with you.

People will not book you for your skills alone, or buy from you for the product only. Rather, they will join or buy from you for your personality and what you have to offer that sets you appart from the rest.

Instead of selling the WHAT is your product, service, or opportunity about, share with the world WHY you are doing what you do and/or selling what you have.

A brilliant book recommendation that covers exactly this topic is “Start With WHY” by Simon Sinek.
It will go into details on the reason why brands such as apple are very successful and have a loyal “community”, and how you can do the same for yourself and your brand.

Business Tips – Audience Clarity is key

Having your message about WHY you are doing what you do and selling what you have is awesome but there is the major element which you must figure out too. The sooner the better.

This element is your Ideal Audience or Ideal Customer Avatar as some like to call it.
It took me years to crack this open and let me tell you that it surely makes your life easier when it comes to content as well as product creation.

You can dive into finding your best audience on Episode 50 HERE

Pro Tip: Don’t get to hang up on this process but run with it and tweak it as you go along. Otherwise you will never start

Business Tips – Be the go to person

Now that you have your USP and Ideal Audience sorted and figured out, the next step is to build rapport and nurture them by providing them what they want and need.

The very simple, yet effective way to do that is by dripping free value content on a regular basis.
Yes, I said “FREE” because the more value you put out there for your audience, the more credibility and authority you will create for yourself, thus better interest for your brand as well as your products, services, opportunity in your followers’ eyes.

Providing value builds the Know, Like, Trust factor much quicker and with better authenticity you will create wonderful rapport with your viewers and readers.

Business Tips – Conclusion

Having a clear idea of Who you serve, WHY you serve them, and connecting with them daily in some way, shape, or form, will make your life easier thus make your business success happen much FASTER!

Also, remember my The 3 Steps To Business Launch. This will help you launch or relaunch in a way that makes people ask you for more information about what you do and have to offer. Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

Did you get some value from this Episode?
I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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Question of The Week: Who do you serve and how do you connect with them?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

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