Business Strategy – 6 ways to make money as a Makeup Artist

Do you wonder about other ways to make money as a MUA?

Most makeup artists tend to know only 2 main ways to make money with their passion. These are freelancing and work on shop floors.

However, this is not sustainable in the long run if you want to keep on moving forward, as it always requires you to be physically working to earn money.

In this Episode 49 I am sharing with you 6 ways to make money, including some ways that allow you to earn while not necessarily putting any brush on anyone’s face.

Business Strategy – 6 ways to make money as a Makeup Artist – Episode 49

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

Business Strategy - 6 ways to make money as a Makeup Artist

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled 15 ways to make money.
This will help you to make sure you can find the cash you need for your business for example.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Business Strategy – Why diversifying your income

First, I would actually say “Why NOT” diversifying your income. You are in a better place when incomes are coming from different places than only just one.

Never Put All Your Eggs In The Same Basket

I believe that everyone, even employees, should have more than one income stream, but especially freelancers as you never know where and where you next paid job is gonna come from.

Another reason is, that we are not invincible to the ageing process, which means that eventually we don’t have the same energy to run out and about. So preparing the this non avoidable aspect ahead by having other income stream, with some passive one is a great idea in my opinion.

Business Strategy – #1 Typical Freelance work

Let’s start by the beginning, and where most of us MUAs start. Freelancing.

This is the very hands-on type of work as I’d call it. The type of work that is rewarding and pays, but you must trade your time for money.
If you don’t work, you don’t earn, which means that you better be in good shape forever. And that is not gonna happen. Sorry!

These work are great, very enriching (in many ways), and allow you to make a living in order to pay your bills. However it can also be stressful when not knowing when, and where the next job/client is going to come from.

Here are some example of work here:

  • Beauty Studios
  • Weddings
  • Assisting jobs in Fashion (can be unpaid sometimes though)
  • Work for agencies
  • Prom makeups
  • Freelance School teacher

Now let’s dive into some potential passive income you could create for yourself, even in addition of the above.

Business Strategy – #2 Own Salon/Studio

This is a good way to leverage your time, as you have other artists working for you, while you are able to do other things.

Being a salon/studio owner, does not mean that you have to be out of the field and stop doing makeup completely. In fact it is your place, and you should be able to decide what you really want to do within it.

So you could have some employees doing all the things that are not makeup related, such as admin, viewings etc, and giving you the space to still be doing makeup when you want to.
I believe that, it would actually make your other freelancers feel good that you are also part of their team and doing the do.

However, it does require time to run a studio, and lots of money. So, while it sounds appealing to have your own business, it is also very risky financially as you have to invest a lot from the start.

Business Strategy – #3 Agency

in the same idea, you could open your own agency. Instead of having clients coming to you to get pampered and a photoshoot, you are dealing with artists that you send into jobs.

Similarly to the studio example, it is exciting, yet there are a lot of competition out there, and might realised that the overheads are sometimes extremely high.

Yet, if you have a great structure in place, with a wonderful driven team, you can really create a wonderful life for yourself.

Business Strategy – #4 Create your makeup brand

As MUAs, we all have, at some point, the dream to create our own makeup brand, with our own palettes of colours, foundations, brushes etc.

It is wonderful to do that, and once it is all created, you can even (which you naturally will) use it on your clients and market it through word of mouth as well as online, and it can really bring a lovely passive income.

However, this takes way more work than we most think it does. You’ve got to do your research, go into labs to create it and experiment, invest a lot of time and money (again).

Business Strategy – #5 Third party product

Having, and creating YOUR OWN things is always very exciting and rewarding. Yet, it is sometimes easier, at the beginning, to start by promoting something which is already exciting, in place, working, and in demand.

We are in an era where you can sell products that are not your own, but that you would redirect your clients towards for them to buy anyway. Wouldn’t it make sense to actually get a piece of the cake, since you recommended this, or that product to YOUR client, who is going to spend money thanks to you?

That clicked with me, when I was working in makeup studio and clients were always ( I mean ALWAYS!) asking me for product recommendation, and I wold gladly send them to this or that brand.

If your clients trust you enough to ask you for recommendation, then it your duty to keep building the relationship and serve them as much as possible, with what they want/need, which then create even more financial abundance for you and your family.

Business Strategy – #6 Online courses

Again, focusing on your audience, people who want to learn from you, people who always ask you for recommendations…
How about creating an online course that you can provide, and people can buy without you having to sell it to them, because they are the one making the choice to press the “Buy Now” button?

Wouldn’t it be exciting for you to earn passive income from people buying from you, while you are doing makeup on a client somewhere, on holiday, being with your family, having fun with your friends, or heck even sleeping…?

I get personally excited each time!

Business Strategy – Conclusion

In a nutshell, I would say do not limit yourself to only one income stream, and also think that your future self will require different needs to your today self.

And remember that I’ve got your back with the help of my 15 ways to make money. This will help you to make sure you can find the cash you need for your business for example.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

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Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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