Action Plan – 5 Steps to generate more leads

Whether you just started your business, or you’ve been in business for a while, the blood of your business is leads who eventually are buying from you.

However, there are some really important elements to implement, so you can attract people to you better.

In this Episode 50 I am sharing with you the 5 Steps that will help you generate more leads, and be on your way to make more sales.

Action Plan – 5 Steps to generate more leads – Episode 50

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

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This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’m giving you access to a Free Social Media Training.
This will help you find qualifying leads online for free daily.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Action Plan – Important for you and your audience

Most people follow people who have a clear vision of where they are going. So having an action plan in place, makes you be the one with the clear vision.

Plus, having this action plan and clear vision, will make you feel more relax about the tasks you’ve got to take.

In terms of your audience, it is important for them to know that you are reliable, you know what you are talking about, and that they like your style.
This is what is called the “Know, Like, Trust” factor.

Action Plan – #1 Profile and Cover photos

There is a common mistake that people make, which needs to be fixed, especially when in business or wanting to get into business.

There some profile pictures that are any and everything, but personal. What I mean by this is, some people would have their other significant, their children, their pet, a landscape, a painting… you name it, but themselves.

As nice and lovely as it is to include anything, or anyone else in your personal picture, it can create confusion to anyone wanting to approach your, or whey replying to your friend request for instance.
I had this conversation with a person who has a name suited for both men and women, and that person had a photo of them both.
I was using masculine verbiage (dude, mate, buddy…) all that to eventually realised that it was her not him!

But look, I’m not one to judge as I made that mistake, and even had a squirrel as a profile picture at some point. LEGIT!!

However there is a good news… The place where you can put all that you want, and that represent you (family, landscape, pet…) is on the cover photo. And it is actually better because it is larger than the profile pic anyway.

Action Plan – #2 Clean up your timeline

If you’ve been in Network Marketing for a while, chances are that you have been spamming your own newsfeed at some point, if not doing it without knowing still.

Most companies train their field to plaster the name of the company and products on their social media, to attract people in their world.
I’m sorry to say but it actually does the total opposite.

Since I moved to a more personal type of post shares, that people can relate, instead of being an information type of profile, I have way more likes, comments and conversation about my products and business. Strange, hey?! Not really!

So, my suggestion would be to start deleting all the post that are spams on your timeline. Now, don’t go through your entire timeline as it could be a titan work, and take forever.
The way I go about it is by going into my FB “memories” each day, and removing the ones that are showing names of products and company (ies).

Action Plan – #3 Create valuable content

Do you often purchase anything without knowing, liking, and trusting the brand, or person you are buying from?
Neither does anybody else, and your audience is no difference.

The “Know, Like, Trust” factor must be established with your viewers. The best way to do that is by providing them with value content, which they can implement in their life, and or business.

The more you are of service, you provide value and solutions, the more people will be naturally attracted to you.

Action Plan – #4 Make new friends

Be a human first, and a marketer second.
The blood of your business is to have new people looking at what you have to offer.

Yet, don’t just be passive about it, get to meet new people. Facebook always shows some suggested connection you might know. Even if you don’t know them, there is nothing wrong to connect with them.
After all, their profile is on public which means they are open to meet strangers too.

Action Plan – #5 Have conversation

Likes and comments on posts are great, but nothing will happen if you don’t engage with people on a personal level.

Once you’ve made a new online friend, engaged through likes and comments, the time has come to start conversing to introduce yourself, get to know each other better, and turn your new friend as a new lead. Do NOT pitch!

It goes the same with people you already know, and interact with online. You’ve got to go into their messenger box. Even if you haven’t talk to them in a very long time, and see them appear on your stories, posts, or FB lives, go thank them and ask how are they doing. SIMPLE!

It might or might not go anywhere further, but the bottom line is that you must talk to people.

Action Plan – Conclusion

At first, you might feel like you are doing a lot and it is not going anywhere, but you’ve got to stick to it, turn up consistently, and show that you are here for the long run!

And with the help of my Free Social Media Training. This will help you find qualifying leads online for free daily.
Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More

Come and joint my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded of likeminded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More

In this training you will learn strategy on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact and more.

Jab Jab Jab (Book) – Learn More

This is a great book if you want to increase your knowledge about social media and master its use.

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Question of The Week: What is your current strategy to acquire new qualifying leads daily?
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