Marketing Strategy – 5 Marketing Tips To Attract Clients

Are you sometimes wondering where is your next client going to come from?

Believe it or not, it is very common for the business owners, like Makeup Artists/Artists, Beauty Pro, and even Network Marketers, to be wondering where their next business is going to appear.

In this Episode 111, I’m going to share with you 5 marketing tips to attract clients and, most importantly, know-how and where to find them.

Marketing Strategy – 5 Marketing Tips To Attract Clients – Episode 111

As you know, with every Episode I like to EMPOWER you with a useful resource, that you can use to have more success, and essentially create more of what you love with less stress.

This week, since we’re talking about attraction marketing tips, I’ve put together a guide titled Conversation Builder Guide.
This will help you create faster relationships and transition into business talk easier.

You can have access to it by clicking the yellow button above, and it will come to your email inbox immediately!

Marketing Strategy – Where to start from

There are some basics that are crucial to figuring out and put into place for any serious entrepreneur. These elements will be your foundation for any business you’d ever build, and a great point of reference when needing to know what and where to post on your social media.

These basics are broken down into 5 elements. Let’s look into them individually now.

Marketing Strategy – Find out your ICA

ICA stands for Ideal Customer Avatar, which is, essentially, the stereotype of the person that you want to serve.
This might be so obvious to you, yet so many people miss making that very important decision of choosing who their ICA is.

Believe me, I wish that I was taught and told this in the very early years of my entrepreneurship journey as it would’ve avoided so many stress and awkward ways of prospecting. At least I learned a lot from those mistakes. HAHA

However, you might have distinguished what I said in the first sentence of this section, which is that your ICA is the type of person that YOU want to serve. Yes, you get to choose, my friend. The reason I stress this part is that I used to be asked “who is your ideal audience?”, and that never got me anywhere apart from getting me thinking and confused.
When saying “who do YOU want to serve?” then it changes the dynamic and the thinking process. Don’t you think?

To figure out who is it that you want to serve, their characteristics, you can refer to My Ideal Audience Builder guide from Episode 92 HERE

Marketing Strategy – Clarify your message

Once you’ve decided who is it that you want to serve, it is best to clarify the message you want to put out there in order to attract them into your world.

Clarifying your message means to speak to them in a way that resonates. The way you do this is by knowing their pain, struggles, desires, using words they would use, and communicating that message often.

For example, we would not share an anti-aging cream the same way with a 70 year old than we do with a 30 year old woman. One would relate more to the fact that this XYZ cream reduces the fine lines, whereas the other one would be more interested in a cream that prevents fine lines.
Same product, two different market, therefore 2 different way of communicating.

Marketing Strategy – Find your fishing pools

After clarifying who you want to serve, and the message you need to put in front of them, it is time to find where they are hanging out.

This is actually easier than it sounds, because you have done most of the work already. When you know your audience’s needs, wants, and desires, then you will have a much better idea of where you can find them.

Typically speaking I would suggest finding 2-5 Facebook groups (because we can find FB groups for any and everything), and hang out in there. Those don’t necessarily have to be about your product or business necessity.
If you are a Makeup Artist/Artist and love hiking, then hang out in some hiking groups because you will have a much easier time connecting with people you have some commonalities with already. It’s about connection!

Marketing Strategy – Connect

As I said, it is about connection. People connect with people not with products, services, or opportunities. It really is about reminding ourselves to always be a human first and a Blank second (Makeup Artist, Artist, Network Marketer, Entrepreneur, Musician…).

When you have found your few Facebook groups (or places where your ICA is) start creating rapport with the members. Here are a few ways you can do it:

  • Introduction post when entering the group (ie: Hi Everyone! I’m new here, let’s connect…! I’m from____. Where are you from?)
  • Share value post that serves the community
  • Comment on others’ posts inside the group
  • Interact with others’ comments in posts
  • Send friend request to those you have a couple back and forth exchanges in comments
  • Send a private message along with your friend request

This process simpler than it looks and very straight forward, this way you do not waste time.

Marketing Strategy – Invite

Now that you are connecting with people, providing value, and making a name for yourself in those groups, it is time to invite people into your world.

Part of this process is to make new friends and send a friend request, which does not have to take long to do. No need to build rapport for weeks on end with people before friend requesting them.
In fact, after a few back and forth exhanges inside any given group, send them a friend request a long with a private message to connect further and carry on the conversation from where you left it off.
If there is nothing left from that conversation inside the group, find something from their profile tha you can start the conversation again in the private setting.

Now you must be wondering, when do you actually share your services, products, perhaps even opportunity…?
Well, this will vary from conversation to conversation however, once again, it does not have to take forever. If you ask the right questions that lead the dialogue in a way for you to get information (their needs, wants, desires, pains, struggles…) from your prospect, then you will be able pop your “Magic Question” very fast.

The way you can offer people to take a look into what you have is by asking the following question: “Are you open to_____?” (Book a beauty consultation; Take a look into my product that can help you with____; Check my business that could help you with_____; ….). You get the gist!

Marketing Strategy – Conclusion

Be clear on who YOU want to serve, know where they are, connect with them, bring them into your world, invite them to take a look at what you offer. That’s it!

And remember to download your copy of the Conversation Builder Guide.
This will help you create faster relationships and transition into business talk easier. Click on the yellow button to download your free copy now!

Private Facebook Group (Free) – Rise n’ Roll – Learn More
Come and join my private FB Mastermind Group Rise n’ Roll. You will be surrounded by like-minded Entrepreneurs who like brainstorming and love impacting others positively.

Facebook Video Live Training (FREE Training) – Learn More
In this training, you will learn strategies on how to do your lives, when to do them, get some script to make people interact, and more.

7 Top Income Producing Activity + PDF (Daily Method of Operation) – Learn More
This will help you focus on the most important tasks in your business.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training and personal development videos so you can increase the positive results in your business and within your team.
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Question of The Week: Who is your ICA? Who do YOU want to serve with your services, products, and/or opportunity?
I’d love for you to share in the comments section below

I’d love to know. Drop it in the comments below!

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